ISMAR2011 – A Grant Gathering of the AR Community
Dongdong Weng and Yongtian Wang, School of Optoelectronics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
Read more:
ISMAR - A Grant Gathering of the AR Community.pdf
Supported by Swissnex China
Interactive Poster Session
This year, the ISMAR posters will be interactive: You can easily remember posters you are interested in, by taking a picture of them with your smartphone. Using image recognition, your picture will be analyzed and automatically annotated. You can then directly access additional material, share the poster or import it to your mendeley library.
This service is provided by Kooaba Image Recognition . To snap and remember the posters, you can use the Kooaba mobile Apps: Déjà Vu for iPhone or Paperboy for Android.
Here is an example using the "Déjà Vu" app for iPhone:
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take a picture of a poster, it will be added to the list of visual memos |
after synchronisation with our servers, the icon indicates that the image was recognised |
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in the detail view, your memo is automatically annotated |
a dedicated result page allows you to share the item and access additional material |
Check out additional information about Kooaba's apps on their website www.kooaba.com.
1 Design Award and 1 Nomination for ISMAR 2011

Red Dot Award in Communication Design
for André Konrad (Masterstudio Design, Basel School of Art and Design, FHNW)
The “red dot award: communication design” has been in existence since 1993. According to PAGE magazine, it is one of the most important international design competitions. In the study entitled “Corporate Identity: Status Quo 2009, Expert survey of CI/CD agencies” published by the corporate identity institute in Mainz in august 2009, the “red dot award: communication design” was ranked first place amongst all of the design competitions with international relevance. The top prize is the ”red dot: grand prix” for the best piece of work in each category. In addition, the “red dot: junior prize” with prize money of EUR 10,000 is awarded to the best student project.
André Konrad is nominated for the Corporate Design Award 2011: http://www.junior-corporate-design-preis.de/82.html?&no_cache=1
Book a free LifeClipper3 walk during ISMAR11!

lifeClipper3 (http://lifeclipper3.torpus.com) is a game-like, interactive new-media artwork which is implemented with immersive Augmented Reality Technologies in St. Johanns Park in Basel, Switzerland. It consists of the real park landscape with occasional events and situations and an overlaid virtual landscape with artificially created additional content.
lifeClipper3 invites visitors to walk around the park with a wearable computer system to experience alternative realities. Shifts between everyday life conventions and fantastic parallel worlds with different physical and cultural rules create interference and question our perception of reality.
If you are interested to experience lifeClipper3 yourself you can now book an augmented walk for your stay in Basel during and after the ISMAR11 conference. Please register and choose a time slot at: http://lifeclipper3.torpus.com A walk lasts about 20 minutes but you have one hour booked and can also share it with somebody. If you have trouble with the reservation system or any other question or proposal, please contact me:
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