Art Exhibition

In an art practice one of the principal motivations of the artist is to revise how we perceive and interact with the world around us. The same debate is also the driving force for the AR community researching and developing innovative technologies to augment our perception of the world. To bring these two worlds of scientist and artists closer to each other the Arts, Media and Humanities program of ISMAR 2011 is proud to feature an Art Exhibition of artistic works applying Augmented Reality technologies and concepts.
This exhibition is organized by V2_, Institute for the Unstable Media, and will be co-located at the electronic arts festival SHIFT, running simultaneously with the ISMAR conference. This unique collaboration with the SHIFT festival will provide a dedicated platform for AR artists to present their work in artistic environment, meet with digital media artists and also provide a bridge with the ISMAR conference. Additionally, presentations and panel discussions for invited artists will be held at the conference center and interlink the two co-located events.
We are now calling participation for these two different categories of submissions:
- Call for Artworks: including installations, performances or any artistic piece using AR technology, recently finished or ready to be presented at ISMAR.
- Call for participative and invited Artworks: artwork productions that will be created through a collaborative process between technicians, engineers and artists and presented at ISMAR (AMH meets S&T a.k.a. Artists in AR-Labs).
Call for Artworks
Submissions for the Art Exhibition are due June 30, 2011. We accept a large range of media (3D artwork, installation, interactive work, performance, etc) using, extending or re-defining Augmented Reality.
Your proposal must be in PDF format and should consist of:
- The title of the performance/installation/showcase
- The name(s) of the artist/performer
- A brief abstract with keywords
- The name, telephone number, and email address of the contact artist/performer
- The artist's statement describing the concept of the work and the role of AR/MR technology in the work
- In addition, we need the following information for planning the art gallery space:
- The amount of floor or desktop space needed (length, width, height) noted on a floor plan
- The list of equipment you will bring (be as detailed as possible)
- Any power, socket and outlet needs.
- Networking and Internet requirements
- Any environmental requirements (Does this presentation require a dark environment? Does it produce or is sensitive to a large amount of noise or light? etc.)
Additionally, the artist should provide two high resolution pictures of their work (that will be also uploaded on the submission website).
Video or audio files are optionaland should follow these guidelines:
- The file size should not exceed 40 MB and videos should not be longer than 5 minutes long.
- Please do NOT send your video or audio by email, submit it through the submission system.
- Specify the format of the video or audio file and also include a text file describing what codec you used to create the video.
- Videos should be playable by either the current Windows Media Player or Apple Quicktime player. It is preferable that your video be playable by these standard players without requiring additional codec installations. If you require a special codec (e.g. DivX), make certain that you include instructions on how to find and install that codec. If the reviewers cannot play your video file, it will reduce the chances of your submission being accepted.
All materials (proposal + two pictures+ optional video) will be submitted electronically through the Precision Conference website at:
If you already have an account with that system, please use that account to submit materials. Otherwise, create a new account. After login, select Make a new submission to ISMAR 2011 Art Exhibition.
Call for participative and invited Artworks:
Call for new artwork productions, note that this program does not follow the standard submission procedure.
Even though AR applications are getting ever more widespread, the technologies to produce these new experiences are quite often still very inaccessible for artists. To address this, V2_, Institute For The Unstable Media, is organizing AMH meets S&T a.k.a. Artists in AR-Labs. In this program artists and scientists are introduced to each other and invited to collaborate on a new artistic production. For artists this provides a rare opportunity to have access to state-of-the-art technology, whereas for scientists it is a possibility to test the boundaries of the technology and expose their work in a new context. We are looking for artists and scientists at institutes who are interested in this program.
contact: Jan Misker This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. +31 10 2067273