Papers & Posters

Both papers and posters should address the general field of Augmented and Mixed Reality:
a list of topics of interests is available here.
We have two different programs for papers/posters: Science and Technology Program (S&T) and Arts, Media and Humanities (AMH). They both follow a similar submission and review process (described below) but with different topics and review criteria.
Papers are between 4 and 10 pages long and present substantial new research to the field. They are held to rigorous standards of contribution and evaluation. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference in talks (15-20 mins), published in the proceedings and are also archived in a scholarly digital library. The allotted presentation time will depend upon the length and content of the paper.
Papers are also eligible for one of a number of best paper awards which will be announced for both S&T and AMH track during the conference.
Note, that there is only one category for papers - there is no distinction between full and short papers. The acceptance for publication will be partly based on the contribution per page of the paper. For example, a paper in eight pages will be expected to have more contribution than one with four pages.
Examples of topics appropriate for a presentation in less pages are:
- A smaller, focused research result that can be completely described and justified in less than 10 pages.
- An application case study.
- A novel concept or application that does not have the level of implementation and evaluation expected of a 10 page paper.
Posters provide an interactive forum in which authors can present work to conference attendees during a poster session. Accepted posters will be displayed on large boards (approximately 3 feet by 4 feet). Poster authors will also have one minute to describe their poster during a “poster teasers” preview before any of the poster sessions.
Poster submissions are two pages in length. They are reviewed through the same procedure that papers are, but they are much more leniently judged due to space limitations and because they do not count as a publication (however still part in the published proceedings and archived in a scholarly digital library). We encourage posters on new work that is still in progress, or small, highly focused results. The main criteria are novelty and usefulness to the ISMAR community.
Submission Deadlines
- Paper and Poster Abstracts (EXTENDED): May 26th 23:59 US Pacific Time - Required !
- Paper and Poster Submission (EXTENDED): May 27th, 23:59 US Pacific Time
Due to numerous requests, abstract submissions (required) for the S&T track are allowed until Thursday 26th, 23:59 PST. Final submissions are still due on Friday 27th, 23:59 PST.
Submission Rules
a. Papers and posters must be written in English.
b. An abstract for the paper or poster must be submitted at the abstracts deadline before a full version can be submitted. This helps us to assign submissions to members of the program committee in advance. There won't be any assessment or review of the paper between both deadlines, the abstract deadline is just informative for us.
c. A submission can only be submitted under one program (Science&Technology or Arts, Media and Humanities) and under one category (paper or posters). You must not submit the same material simultaneously to different programs or categories. However, you are more than welcome to make multiple different submissions for both programs.
d. Submissions must not be under review by any other conference, journal or other publication venue during ISMAR’s reviewing period, and must not be previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere. ISMAR actively searches for duplicate submissions by exchanging author and title lists with other conferences and journals. Such submissions will be rejected without review.
e. Papers must be stricly formatted according to the IEEE Computer Society VGTC authoring guidelines ( and submitted electronically as PDF documents. ISMAR uses a single-blind reviewing process. Thus, authors and affiliations may be mentioned.
f. Authors may include supplementary materials (such as a video) with the submission, and such materials are highly encouraged if they provide evidence of the claimed contribution. Videos should not be longer than 5 minutes, and the total size of all submitted materials (including the PDF doucment) must be under 50MB. If you include a video, also include a text file describing what codec you used to create the video. Videos should be playable by either the current Windows Media Player or Apple Quicktime player. It is preferable that your video be playable by these standard players without requiring additional codec installations. If you require a special codec (e.g. DivX), make certain that you include instructions on how to find and install that codec. If the reviewers cannot play your video file, it will reduce the chances of your submission being accepted.
g. The submission should include all information necessary to evaluate the paper and must not ask reviewers to go to web sites or other external information sources, since that may jeopardize the anonymity of the reviewers. Submissions that require external sites will either be returned for correction or rejected without review.
Submission Process
Papers and Posters templates (TEX, DOC) are available here:
All materials will be submitted electronically through the Precision Conference website at:
If you already have an account with that system, please use that account to submit your materials. Otherwise, create a new account. After login, select one of the following areas for a new submission:
- ISMAR 2011 Papers/Posters Science and Technology.
- ISMAR 2011 Papers/Posters Arts, Media and Humanities.
As part of the submission you will be able to chose a major topic and a list of associated keywords.
If you submit for the AMH track, two images should be part of the submission, and videos are highly recommended.
ISMAR is a high-quality conference with a competitive submission process. In 2010, ISMAR accepted only 23% of the papers submitted. ISMAR has a rigorous reviewing process that is similar to the processes used by ACM SIGGRAPH and ACM UIST. Every submitted paper and poster is subjected to this process.
We have two tiers of reviewers: the program committee and a pool of reviewers. Each paper is assigned to a member of the program committee, and that person will procure at least four reviews from the reviewers or additional external reviewers, in addition to providing a meta review. For posters, three reviews are obtained plus the additional meta reviews. Then the program committee and program chairs will meet in person to discuss the papers and posters and determine which to accept. We have two different program committee for paper/posters: one for the S&T track and one for the AMH track.
Papers are up to ten pages long and are held to rigorous standards of contribution and evaluation. The length of the paper should correspond to the presented contribution. These are only suggestions, the final merit of a paper will be determined by the reviewers and the program committee.
Posters are reviewed through the same procedure that papers are, but they are much more leniently judged due to space limitations and because they do not count as a publication. We encourage posters on new work that is still in progress, or small, highly focused results. The main criteria are novelty and usefulness to the ISMAR community.
Best paper awards are selected by an independent committee from the accepted papers. Criteria for selection include the grading obtained through the reviews, the novelty of the work, and the quality of the presentation.
Camera Ready
Upload the final version to the same site you submitted you original paper/poster by September 12, 2011.
Use the "Final Submission Form" to provide your final version and any supplementary material such as video files, poster teaser slides.
In the preparation of the final submission, follow the formatting and submission guidelines here:
Ensure that you are using the correct formatting and submit the IEEE copyright form. Otherwise, your contribution might not be included in the proceedings.
Presentations of Science and Technology full papers are assigned to one of seven sessions at the conference. You can find your session at the following link:
- Your presentation should be between 15-20mins, not longer than that.
- There will be an additional 5mins for questions and hand-over between the presentations.
- Please, use the break before your session to meet your session chair and test your equipment.
The printed posters should have A0 size (about 840mm x 1200mm) or smaller, either portrait or landscape. Portrait will work better with the available poster boards.
Also, prepare a 1-slide teaser for the poster teaser presentation. There will be one minute to present the teaser.
1. There is only one week between the abstract and paper deadline, how will I have time to write my paper in between?
For ISMAR, the abstract deadline is just informative and not used to review your paper. It does mean that you won't get any feedback between both deadlines, you should just proceed to write your paper for the paper and poster submission deadline, and just enter some basic information on the PCS for the abstract deadline.
2. What the difference between AMH and S&T track? I wrote an application paper in architecture, I'm not sure where to submit it...
In essence, the S&T track is directed more towards engineering, system, algorithms or empirical studies, and applications in a broad range of domains (e.g. Medicine, Engineering disciplines, Military, Architecture, etc). The AMH track is more focused on conceptual aspect, design, theories & Philosophies, experiential aspect and social implication for a range of specific domains (like Art, Social science, Architecture, Product Design, Entertainment).
If you have a paper about architecture, if the content is more about the AR system or some novel AR rendering techniques in architecture, the S&T will be more appropriate. If your paper is more directed the conceptual aspect of using AR in architecture or user-centered design, longitudinal evaluation with it, AMH track will be a preferable choice.
In any cases, the Program Chair will assess early on after the deadline submission is the paper correspond to the adapted track, and will notify you to potentially transfer to the other track.